PRIVACY POLICY understands that our users care about their personal data, as well as how they are collected, used, transmitted and processed. We undertake to process your personal data in accordance with applicable law, when you use any functions, functions, mini-applications or mobile games available on our platform or services, interact with us through the external service, application or through our client. Service agents or gain access to our services or our platform through your computer, mobile device or any other device with Internet connection.

Please read this confidentiality policy carefully. By clicking or checking “register”, “I agree with the confidentiality policy Conditions of the confidentiality policy or similar statements available on the registration page or during the provision of services or access to the platform, you confirm that you have read and understand the conditions of a real confidentiality policy and that you agree and agreedOn the collection, use, disclosure, storage, transfer and/or processing of your personal data as a description and in accordance with the conditions of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Acquaintance with a real confidentiality policy
    1. and its branches (jointly or individually called “”, “We” or “We”) are seriously related to your confidentiality. Your personal data is controlled in accordance with the legislation of your country or old from which you visit this site.
    2. During the use of applications and websites (both web versions and mobile versions), as well as products, information, functions and other services managed by, we will collect, use, use, use, useTo disclose, store and/or data processing, including your personal data. In this Privacy Policy, “Platform” means all relevant applications and websites (both web versions and mobile versions), and “services” include all products, information, functions and services provided by time fromtime on the platform (ah).
    3. This Privacy Policy exists in order to keep you in the know how we collect, use, disclose, store and/or process the data that we collect and receive during the provision of services or access to the platform to our user, regardless of that, you have not registered to use our platform as a client (as defined in the operating rules) or seller. We will collect, use, disclose, store and/or process your personal data only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
    4. It is important that you read a real confidentiality policy along with any other applicable notifications that we can provide for special applications in which we collect, use, disclose and/or process your personal data so that you fully know how and why we are using yours using yourPersonal Information.
    5. We can from time to time update a real privacy policy. Any changes that we will make in this confidentiality policy will be reflected on this page, and you will be notified of significant changes. If this is allowed by local legislation, your further use of services or access to the platform, including placing orders (as defined in the conditions of use) on the platform or expression of consent to this after amending, updates or amendments to this Privacy Policy. (regardless of whether you looked at such a document) means your recognition and adoption of the changes that we make in a real confidentiality policy. You agree that you are obliged to often view and check the privacy policy in order to see whether any updates or changes have been made to this Privacy Policy.
    6. This Privacy Policy applies along with other notifications, contractual provisions and regulations on the consent that apply to the collection, storage, use, disclosure and/or processing of your personal data by us, and is not intended for their cancellation if we do not directly declare otherwise.
    7. All these conditions apply to users, regardless of whether users have created an account as customers and/or sellers, unless otherwise specifically indicated for use only to customers or only sellers.
  2. Personal data that we receive from you
    1. We collect the personal data described below in accordance with the current local legislation and, if necessary, after receiving your consent.
    2. Personal data mean any information about an individual recorded in material form or not is true or not, which can be identified according to these data (directly or indirectly) or by these data and other data that we have or are.Most likely there will be access.
    3. Depending on the use of our platform and/or your interaction with our services (for example, when registering in our services and/or entering our platform) you may be asked to provide us with certain information. Although you can refuse to provide us with certain information, you will not be able to use many of our services that you are provided. The personal data that you can provide us are as follows:

      (a) Personality and profile data that can include your name, date of birth, gender, user and password, email address, phone number, your interests and any personal data in any photos, videos or audio recordings that you download to our website. Platform.

      If you are a seller, we can also collect the name of your company, address, registration date and other information related to business (for example, company registration number, business license, tax information, information about shareholders and directors).

      (b) data on the account and transactions that may include the data of your credit card, bank account data, bank statements, delivery/billing addresses, payments and orders coming from you, as well as other information about products and services,Which you have provided or purchased. Through the platform.

      (c) data on use, such as information on how and when you use a platform, products and services or view any content on the platform, as well as websites that you visited before you came to the platform and other similarStatistics.

      (D) Marketing and communication data that may include your interests, answers to questions, preferences in receiving marketing materials from us and your preferences in communication, your preferences in relation to specific products or services, as well as your reviews, chat, email, orThe history of calls on the platform or third -party service providers.

      (E) Data on the location, for example, when you check the availability of proposals next to you or the status of delivery/pickup of orders.

    4. We automatically collect and process certain types of information when you use your devices to access our platform and interact with our services for the purposes set forth in this document. How do we get your personal data
    5. During the use of the platform and the provision of services, we can receive personal data from you in the following situations:

      (a) when you view our websites (both mobile and web versions);

      (b) when you create an account with us (as a client, seller or otherwise);

      (c) when you place products and/or services as a seller for sale on the platform and/or platforms of our affiliated persons and conduct transactions with customers regarding the sale and purchase of these products and/or services;

      (D) when you apply, sign up or otherwise use any services on our platform and/or on the platforms of our affiliated persons;

      (e) when you make a transaction in relation to products available on the platform;

      (f) when you activate or use any functions related to payments available on the platform or provided by our third-party service providers;

      (g) when you use any functions, mini-applications or mobile games available on a platform or services;

      (h) when you record any user content loaded to the platform;

      (i) when you use the function of the chat on the platform;

      (j) when you subscribe to our publications or marketing materials;

      (k) when you participate in a competition, an advertising campaign or a survey;

      (l) when you participate in any activity or campaign on the platform;

      (m) when you enter your account on the platform or otherwise interact with us through an external service or application, for example, Yandex or Google;

      (n) when any other user of the platform publishes any comments on the content that you uploaded to the platform, or when you publish any comments on the content of other users loaded to the platform;

      (O) when the third party fits a complaint against you or the content that you placed on the platform;

      (P) When you interact with us in autonomous mode, including when you interact with our external customer service agents.

  3. The scope of use and disclosure of your personal data

    The purpose of use

    1. We use and disclose personal data for the purposes described below, in accordance with the applicable local legislation and, if necessary, after receiving your consent.
    2. Depending on your relationship with us (for example, you are a client, seller, visitor to our websites or user of our mobile applications), personal data that we collect from you or through third parties can be used for specific goals, namely:

      (A) To facilitate the use of services or access to the platform.

      (b) to manage the online accounting record that you may have created with us.

      (c) for analytics, research, business and development:

      • To better understand the interaction of users with services and platform;
      • Improve the layout or maintenance of the platform pages and set them up for users;
      • For identifying visitors on the platform;
      • Conduct polls, including research on the demographic data and behavior of our users in order to improve our current technologies (for example, voice recognition technology, etc.) using machine learning or other means;
      • To obtain additional attributes regarding you, on the basis of the personal data provided by you (to us or third parties), to provide you with more purposeful and/or relevant information;
      • Conduct analysis of data, testing and research, monitoring and analysis of trends in use and activity;
      • Further development of our products and services.

      (D) legal and operational goals

      • To establish your personality in order to detect fraud;
      • Compare information and check it in third parties to guarantee the accuracy of information;
      • For processing any complaints, reviews, forced measures and requests for deletion in relation to any content that you have loaded to the platform;
      • For the preparation of statistical data and research for internal and compulsory reporting and/or accounting requirements;
      • For storage, placement and backup of your personal data for operating, legal or business purposes;
      • Share personal data in connection with any purchase offered, merging or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we satisfy the requirements of applicable data protection when disclosing your personal data;
      • To prevent or investigate any actual or alleged violations of our use, confidentiality policies or any of our politicians, fraud, illegal activity, inaction or unlawful behavior, regardless of whether they are related to our services or any other issue arising from your relationship with us;
      • Conduct comprehensive checks;
      • In order to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements (including where it is applicable, display your name, contact details and information about the company), including any requests of law enforcement agencies, requests of any state or regulatory authority with jurisdiction over Any trial or other actions that we consider necessary;
      • To protect the life, health or personal safety of, its users and/or public.

      (E) Any other goal for which your consent was obtained, in accordance with our obligations in accordance with applicable law, including notification of you during your consent.

    3. If you are a client and/or you entered the system or registered with us, the personal data that we collect from you or through third parties can be used for other purposes, namely:

      (i) processing your order for products (regardless of whether it is sold by us or a third -party seller)

      • For processing orders that you send through the platform;
      • For delivery of products you purchased through the platform. We can transfer your personal information to the third party (for example, our logistics partner) or the corresponding regulatory body (for example, customs) to deliver the product to you;
      • To inform you about the delivery of products;
      • To ensure customer support for your orders, for example, to return the products you purchased through the platform;
      • To verify and make payment transactions (including any payments on credit cards, bank transfers, autonomous payments, money transfers or transactions of an electronic wallet) in relation to payments related to you, the advertising shares in which you participate and/or services you use. To verify and implement such payment transactions, payment information, which may include personal data, will be transferred to third parties, such as our payment services providers.

      (II) Service provision

      • To display your name, user or profile on the platform (including in any reviews that you can publish);
      • To facilitate the use of mini-applications available on the platform and purchases made using these mini-applications;
      • To answer your requests, reviews, claims or disputes directly or through our third -party service providers;
      • To display on a platform on a platform regarding campaigns, mobile games or any other activities;
      • To allow other users to identify you (through “find my friends” or any other similar function) as a service user so that you can find other users and contact them on the platform, as well as maintain communication of the services function (if applicable);
      • To evaluate your application for a loan and/or execute a credit risk for applications for financial services and products, such as credit or credit lines, insurance or credit cards (where applicable);
      • To facilitate the integration of loyalty programs of third parties (including those supported by sellers or brands) with our platform.

      (III) Marketing and advertising

      • To provide you with information that, in our opinion, you can find useful or you requested from us;
      • From time to time, send you marketing or advertising information about the products and services of our or third -party sellers on our platform;
      • To help us carry out marketing and advertising;
      • To promote services and the use of information that you provide us, for example, user content (including video content), which you can download or broadcast on our platform that will be available on the Internet and can be transferred to third parties. Publicly (the last of which is not under our control) as part of our advertising and marketing campaigns to promote the platform.

      (IV) Other

      • Better to know our customers;
      • Conduct automated decision -making processes in accordance with any of the above purposes that will be carried out in accordance with our obligations in accordance with applicable law, including notify and receive your consent to this.
    4. If you are a seller, the personal data that we collect from you or through third parties can be used for other purposes, namely:

      (i) Providing services

      • To send or delivery of products that you put or sold through the platform. We can convey your personal information to a third party (for example, to our logistics partners, our affiliated persons) or the corresponding regulatory body (for example, customs) for the shipment or delivery of products listed or sold by you;
      • To answer your requests, reviews, claims or disputes directly or through our third -party service agents;
      • To verify your documentation presented to us in order to facilitate your adaptation to us as a seller on the platform, including testing technologies that provide faster and more effective adaptation;
      • To display your name, user or profile on the platform;
      • To verify and make financial transactions (including any payments on credit cards, bank transfers, autonomous payments, money transfers or transactions of an electronic wallet) in relation to payments related to you, the advertising shares in which you participate and/or the services you use. To verify and perform such payment transactions, payment information, which may include personal data, will be transferred to third parties, such as our payment services providers;
      • To evaluate your application for a loan and/or execute a credit risk for your applications for financing and seller’s products, including a loan or credit lines, insurance or credit cards (where applicable);
      • Provide you with auxiliary logistics services to protect against risks of disruption of deliveries or customer return;
      • To facilitate the return of products to you (which can be carried out through our logistics partner).
    5. We can transmit (or allow the transfer) your personal data and/or transfer your personal data to third parties and/or our affiliated persons for the above -mentioned goals. These third parties and affiliated persons who can be inside or outside your jurisdiction include, among other things:

      (I) Service providers (such as agents, suppliers, contractors and partners) in areas such as payment services, logistics and delivery, marketing, data analysis, market research or consumers, polls, social networks, customer service, installation services, information technology and hosting websites;

      (II) their service providers and associated companies;

      (III) courts, tribunals, law enforcement agencies, government or regulatory bodies with jurisdiction against;

      (IV) Other users of the platform or services.

    6. By revealing them your personal data, we strive to ensure that third parties and our affiliated persons protect your personal data from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, processing or similar risks and maintained your personal data only as long as your personal dataIt is necessary to achieve the aforementioned goals.
    7. The personal data that we collect will be used within the country or be transferred beyond your jurisdiction to achieve the goals set forth in this Privacy Policy. However, we will not transfer or allow any of your personal data outside the borders of such jurisdiction, if the transfer does not comply with applicable law, including, for example, to inform and obtain your consent about the countries to which your personal data can be transferred. To be transferred to applicable data protection standards in accordance with the legislation of such countries.
    8. We can transfer your personal data to our third -party service providers or affiliated persons (for example, payment services suppliers) so that they can offer you their services in connection with the use of a platform or our services. Your consent and the use of the services of a third -party service provider or our affiliated person is regulated by the conditions that may be agreed between you and a third -party service provider or our affiliated person. After your consent to the proposal of the services of a third -party service provider or our affiliated person, the collection, use, disclosure, storage, transmission and processing of your data (including your personal data and any data that we have disclosed by such a third -party service provider or an affiliated person) is regulatedService of the services or our branch, which is a controller of such data. You agree that any issues or complaints regarding your consent or use by a third -party supplier of services or services of our branch should be sent to the party specified in the applicable confidentiality policy.
  4. Review of consent to the further use, disclosure, storage and/or processing of personal data.
    1. You can report the recall of your consent to the further use, disclosure, storage and/or processing of your personal data, contacting us using the contact information indicated below, taking into account the conditions and/or restrictions established by applicable laws or rules.
    2. Please note that if you report about the recall of your consent to the use, disclosure, storage or processing of your personal data in order to go and use other rights available in accordance with applicable local laws, we cannot continueProvide you services or fulfill any contract concluded with you, and we will not be responsible if we do not continue to provide you with services or do not fulfill our contract with you. In this case, our legal rights and means of legal protection are clearly retained.
    3. You can refuse to subscribe to obtain marketing information at any time in the settings of our mobile application or using the refusal of subscription in electronic marketing materials.
  5. The method and tool that allows users (including consumers) to use and correct their personal data in the system of electronic commerce of the organization that collects data.
    1. It is important that the personal data that you provide us are accurate and complete so that you can continue to use the platform, and we can provide services. You are responsible for informing us about changes in your personal data or if you think that our personal data about you are inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or outdated.
    2. You can update your personal data at any time by entering your account on the platform.
    3. We can take steps to transmit your personal data updates to third parties and our affiliated persons to whom we shared your personal data if your personal data is still necessary for the above goals.
    4. You can request information about your personal data that we collected, or learn about how your personal data could be used, disclosed, saved or processed by setting up information about a personal account on our platform or contacting us using contact information. Details in section 10 below. You can also request a correction of any error or omission in your personal data that we collected in the same way. To facilitate the processing of your request, we may need to request additional information regarding your request. If this is allowed by law, we can reject such correction requests if they are considered annoying or unreasonable.
    5. If this is permitted by applicable laws on data protection, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee for receiving records of your personal data. In this case, we will tell you the size of the commission before processing your request.
  6. Personal information protection obligations
    1. To protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, processing, copying, removal, loss, loss, incorrect use, changes or similar risks during your use of our platform and/or services, we introduced the appropriate administrative physical and technicalmeasures such as:

      (a) restriction of access to personal data for people who need access;

      (b) maintaining technological products to prevent unauthorized access to the computer;

      (c) the use of 128-bit encryption technology SSL (level of secure sockets) in the processing of your financial data;

      (D) the application of other safety measures required by applicable law.

    2. However, you should know that not a single method of transmission via the Internet or the electronic storage method is completely safe. Although security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect the safety of your information and constantly review and improve our information security measures. You are also recommended to be careful about the exchange of your personal data and your authentication/security data (such as passwords, credit card data, transaction data) outside our platform/services.
  7. The shelf life of information
    1. We will store your personal data only as long as it is required or permitted by law or corresponds to the goals for which they were collected.
    2. We will stop keeping your personal data by their safe removal or delete the means by which the data may be connected with you through anonymization as soon as it is reasonably assuming that such storage does not serve the goals for which personal data was collected and no longer neededFor any legal or business purposes.
  8. Minors
    1. does not sell products to minors (which should be determined on the basis of applicable legislation), and also does not intend to provide any services or use the platform for minors. We deliberately do not collect any personal data regarding minors.
    2. The present you confirm and guarantee that you have reached the age of majority and are able to understand and accept the conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you are a minor, you can use our platform only with the participation of a parent or a legal guardian.
    3. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not allow minors under your guardianship to transfer personal data to If such personal data of the minor will be disclosed by, you consent to the present to the processing of personal data of the minor, and also accept and agree to comply with this confidentiality policy and take responsibility for his or its actions.
    4. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use of services on the platform by you, users acting on your behalf, or any non -authorized users. You are responsible for making your own reasonable decisions on the use of services on the platform and making the necessary measures to prevent any unlawful use of services on the platform.
  9. Third -party sites
    1. The platform may contain links to other websites controlled by other parties, such as our business partners, sellers or payment gateways. We are not responsible for the policies of confidentiality on the websites controlled by these other parties. You are recommended to familiarize yourself with the applicable confidentiality policy of these websites in order to determine how they will process any information they receive from you.
    2. Please note that even if the third party is connected with us, we do not have control over these third-party websites, each of which can have its own methods independent of us to ensure confidentiality and data collection. Therefore, we do not bear any responsibility for the content, security measures (or their absence) and the activities of these related sites. These related sites are intended only for your convenience, so you get access to them at your own peril and risk. Nevertheless, we strive to protect the integrity of our platform and links posted on each of them, and therefore we welcome any reviews about these related sites (including, among other things, cases when a specific link does not work).
  10. The address of the organization that collects and management of data, including the method of communication with users (including consumers) to obtain information about the collection and processing of information related to the consumer.
    1. If you have any questions about protecting personal data or data confidentiality, refer to our list of frequently asked questions about data protection/confidentiality.
    2. If you have other concerns about our methods of protecting data/privacy or you want to use any rights that you may have in accordance with applicable law, contact us through our online chat or as follows:

      Bot:  @islandexchange_bot


  11. The mechanism for receiving and processing user complaints (including consumers) for the illegal use of personal information for the declared purposes or volume
    1. If you have any suspicions regarding the use of your personal data for the unlawful purpose or volume of use that we have announced, you can ask your questions or complaints about the use of your personal data through our online chat or our contactThe data specified in section 10.2.
    2. Our data protection employees will receive your complaints and, depending on the nature and degree of your requests or complaints, we will offer detailed measures to resolve your requests or complaints.
  12. Using cookie files on the website
    1. The website is associated with third-party sites. A link from any of our own sites to another site does not mean that we approve of this resource. We are not responsible for their content, confidentiality policy or methods. These sites can use cookies, pixels and other technologies, as well as collect your personal information in accordance with their own confidentiality policy. Therefore, you should carefully study the privacy policy that applies to any sites that you visit from our site.
    2. Cookie files are a small text file that is stored in a browser on a website or an advertising server, which allows this site or an advertising server to recognize this browser and remember user settings and other information.
    3. We use cookie files on the to improve the content, speed and safety of the site so that you can share pages on social networks.
    4. You can refuse cookie files using the browser parameters by performing the appropriate actions.
    5. To refuse advertising, you need to perform several actions:

      a) Set the expansion of the browser to save the selected data. Please install it as indicated. This prevents the random deletion of cookies that store your choice.

      b) delete Cook Browser files: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.

This Privacy Policy will enter into force on December 25, 2023. You can familiarize yourself with an earlier version here.

We use cookies to provide you with the most relevant information.

Continuing to use the site, you agree using cookies.

Privacy Policy